Name of the Association 

The name of the organization shall be NWT Boxing and Kickboxing  (the “Society”).

1) Vision

NWT Boxing and Kickboxing  shall:

1.1       Maintain and promote excellence in the sport of boxing;

1.2       To promise the aid in any formation of new clubs throughout the Northwest Territories and to encourage all clubs to continually recruit new athletes.

1.3       To promote, encourage, and develop the widest participation and the highest proficiency in boxing amongst the members of the Association.

1.4 To arrange or assist in the arrangement of courses of instruction for coaches, athletes, officials or other interested person in matters concerning the sport of amateur boxing.

1.5       To promote or assist in the promotion of local and Territorial meets, championships, competitions, demonstrations and events relating to amateur boxing.

1.6       To encourage the physical and mental development of young men and women through the requirements and skills of amateur boxing.

1.7       To enforce rules and regulations among the members of the Association made by Boxing Canada and to repress any abuses in the sport by members of the Association.

1.8       To promote, above all, the safety of the competitors and fairness in competitions in accordance with the rules of boxing.

1.9       To recognize and support the goals of each individual member and provide opportunities to instil in members the confidence, self-esteem, respect for others, discipline, and sportsmanship to benefit all stakeholders in the communities.

2) Mission

NWT Boxing and Kickboxing  shall:

2.1      To provide all Northwest Territories citizens and residents access to and participation in the opportunities, programs, and activities of amateur boxing;

2.2      To regulate boxing activities within this Society under its Articles and Rules

2.3       To co-operate with governments and with other registered charities, associations, clubs, federations, councils, or organizations established with similar Visions and/or Articles, to those of this Society and established legally under the law of that country;

3) Values

3.1      Opportunities shall be positive, enjoyable, and educational in an environment free from harassment and abuse;

3.2      Participation shall be devoted to safety, physical conditioning, cultural awareness, and character-building;

3.3      Respectful communication shall be honest and open – addressing issues in a professional and un-biased manner, and;

3.4   Integrity, sportsmanship, and excellence shall produce positive results in all areas of well-intentioned participation.

Executive Committee

4.1 The business and affairs of NWT Boxing and Kickboxing shall be administered on behalf of the members by the Executive Committee.

4.2 The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following officers:

  1. President
  2. Past President
  3. Vice President I
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Member of Board of Directors as appointed if required

4.3 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the discretion of the President. Any four Executive Members will constitute a quorum.



1) Terms of Admission:

All individuals are eligible for admission to membership in the Society on payment of the membership

2) Rights of Members:

All members of the Society will have the right to take part in all activities and to use allfacilities established by the Society for the promotion of its objects, subject to such regulations and the payment of such additional fees as the directors may from time to time prescribe for specific activities.

3) Obligations of Members:

Each member must pay an annual membership fee at such time and in such amount asis determined by the members at each annual general meeting. Members must uphold and adhere to the objects and bylaws of the

4) Withdrawal and Expulsion of Members:

    1. Any member may withdraw from membership in the Society by submitting a notice, in writing, to the
    2. Any member whose conduct is considered detrimental to the Society or who is more than thirty days in defaultin paying annual dues may be expelled by a resolution passed by a majority of the directors of the

5) Meetings:

    1. Annual general meetings of the Society will be called and held between 31 and 180 days after the date of thesociety’s chosen fiscal year end;
    2. Notice of any general or special meeting must be given at least seven days prior to the date set for theNotice is to be given by way of email, which address the member must provide to the Secretary; by the postingof notices of such meetings at conspicuous points throughout the area of operations; and/or by publication in a newspaper of general circulation; such notice to set forth the time, place and business to be transacted at suchmeeting;
    3. General meetings of the Society are held at the call of the President;
    4. Any ten members may call a special meeting by presenting a signed request to the President, who mustcall a meeting within fifteen days after receipt of such request;
    5. Thirty (30)% of the paid up members constitutes a quorum at all meetings;
    6. If the President or Vice-President is not present at a meeting, the meeting will elect a Chairman for thepurposes of that meeting only;
    7. Each member is entitled to one vote on any motion or resolution at all meetings.

6) Directors:

  1. Until the first annual general meeting, the subscribers to the Application and Bylaws are the directors of theSociety;
  2. There must be between 3 and 12 directors elected from among the members of the Society at the first and eachsubsequent annual general meeting;
  3. The directors may appoint chairpersons to head necessary committees, who are responsible to the directors andwho will hold the designated offices until the next annual general meeting;
  4. A majority of directors may appoint any member of the Society to fill a vacancy in their numbers and anydirector so appointed holds office for the unexpired portion of the term of the director he or she replaces;
  5. The directors are responsible for conducting the affairs of the Society in accordance with its objects, its bylawsand with the Societies Act of the NWT;
  6. A majority of directors will constitute a quorum at any director’s meeting;
  7. Any director may be expelled by a 2/3 majority vote of directors for proven dishonesty, or for gross misconduct,or for failing or refusing to carry out his or her duties as a director as provided in these Bylaws;
  8. Directors or other officers will be paid travelling and living allowances to compensate them for expensesincurred by them in the conduct of their duties, and such other remuneration as is established by the members at the annual general

7) Officers:

  1. The directors from their own number must, at their first meeting after incorporation and at their first meetingafter the annual general meeting in each succeeding year, elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary,Treasurer and such other officers as are deemed necessary;
  2. Such officers hold office until the conclusion of each annual general meeting, at which time a meeting of thenewly elected directors will be convened to elect their successors;
  3. The President presides at all meetings of the members and of the The President is responsible for thegeneral management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the Society;
  4. The Secretary will keep custody of the books and records of the society. The Secretary is responsible for providing notices of all meetings of members and all meetings of directors, and for taking and keeping record of the minutes of all such meetings;
  5. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of theSociety;
  6. The Vice-President is responsible for exercising the duties and powers of the President, Secretary andTreasurer in their respective absences;
  7. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into one office to be known as Secretary-Treasurer.

8) Borrowing Powers:

The directors may, by a 2/3 majority vote, borrow funds for capital expenditures and for thecurrent operations of the Society in such manner as they see fit, including the issue of debentures; except that in no case may debentures be issued except pursuant to an extraordinary

9) Disposal of Funds:

  1. All monies received by or on behalf of the Society must be deposited in the Society’s bank account in trust for the Society, which account must be with one of the chartered banks of Canada;
  2. All disbursements from the trust bank account must be made by cheques signed by the President or Vice-President, and the Treasurer, or in any of their absences, by some other director appointed by resolution of the

10) Auditor: 

At the annual general meeting, the society may choose to elect an auditor for the ensuing year.

11) Annual Filings:

  1. A notice of directors and a financial statement must be submitted to the Registrar of Societies each year, regardless of whether or not any changes have occurred, and regardless of whether or not the society has had any income.
  2. At each annual general meeting, an annual financial statement must be presented for the inspection of members. The financial statement must either be endorsed by the auditor, or by the original signatures of two directors if there is no auditor. Statements must always be prepared according to the society’s fiscal year end; the first statement must begin on the Society’s date of incorporation, and in subsequent years, must begin on the date which follows the previous year’s fiscal end. The financial statement must always:
    1. include the assets and liabilities of the Society, presented in the form of a balance sheet;
    2. include the income/receipts (any received money) and expenses/disbursements (any paid-out money) of the Society, presented in the form of an income statement;
    3. A notice of directors, originally signed by one director, must be submitted with the financial statement; the notice must include the time period and the names, addresses, and occupations of the directors of the

12) Seal and Signing Authority:

  1. If using a seal, the seal of the Society must include the name of the society in a circle around the word”SEAL”.
  2. The seal must be kept in the custody of the Secretary and may not be affixed to any instrument or document except by authority of a resolution of the directors, and in the presence of the Secretary and atleast one other director;
  3. The Secretary and at least one other director have the authority to sign instruments or documents on behalf of the

13) Inspection of Books and Records:

All books and records of the Society must be open to the inspection of the members at each annual general

14) Fiscal Year:

The fiscal year of the Society ends on the 31st of October each year.

15) Distribution of Assets:

The Society may not distribute any part of its income to any of its This doesnot preclude the payment of reasonable salaries or employee benefits, nor does it preclude the reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. On a winding-up of the Society, all remaining assets must be distributedamong Canadian charities registered pursuant to the Income Tax Act.

16) Arbitration:

Any dispute arising in the circumstances set out in section 7 of the Societies Act must bedecided by arbitration under the Arbitration Act.